Saturday, January 2, 2010

Day 2

Today is about over. Today was a fruit day on my diet. So ya it was a little more harder today. Some of my cravings/wants started to kick in already hahahha. Well I guess its not easy when you have a husband that keeps his desk full of candy on top and then chooses to get a hamburger for dinner! But, I didnt budge at all! I had an apple for breakfast, strawberries later and a turky sandwich for dinner. Again I didnt eat the 4th meal. I woke up super late at 1pm lol... I know its because my son was up until 3am screaming!!! He was obviously over tired and just wouldn't go to sleep. So yup we all ended up really sleeping in. I hate sleeping in that late to because then I feel like I wasted my day!! When we did get up and moving we ended up going to Gamestop and took back a couple games and got two more games. We got a Sonic one and hubby picked some really hard puzzle one lol.. But, LOVE this wii! I am planning on buying the wii fit board when I lose 30lbs so keep me motivitated!! I did weigh in today and I weighed in at 199.6 meaning a 2.4 lose in one day! I know its just water weight, but hey, the numbers came down =)

O I had gotten a new book called 'Ten Degrees of Reckoning'..its about family that was sailing aroung the world and got hit by a Korean vessel and everyone died except the Mother and is retelling the very tragic, heartbreaking, story. I just started it, but will try and remember to update after I am done reading it. I am not a reader at all, but I heard of the story on aol and really wanted to read what happened and how she coped with everything. Very strong woman! Night

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